Soft golden lights change
Reflection of the sun
As day fades to night
Tamara Mendelson
Soft golden lights change
Reflection of the sun
As day fades to night
Tamara Mendelson
It is hard to hear
You speaking constantly
Silence opens your ears
Tamara Mendelson
Different isn’t bad
It takes some understanding
Are we all the same?
Tamara Mendelson
Open a stuck jar
That no one else can open
Power in that hand
Tamara Mendelson
Scars are life’s road map
The survivors have the marks
Of a life lived
Tamara Mendelson
Magic Chocolate
A couple of squares a day
Tryptophan feels like love
Tamara Mendelson
Thank your strong body
For all the amazing things
It has done and will do
-Tamara Mendelson
Feeling unkempt?
Your mother said “Comb your hair”
Don’t you feel better?
-Tamara Mendelson
Sometimes I miss you
The good stuff was pretty good
I hold on to that
-Tamara Mendelson
A small touch is kind
Quiet generosity
Human connection
-Tamara Mendelson